How to sleep better...
Camomile Tea –Everyone knows the soothing properties of Camomile. This flowering herb’s botanical name is Matricaria which is derived from the Latin term for womb because it was once used to calm female premenstrual problems.
The term Camomile is derived from ancient Greek and translates as “Ground Apple” which refers to the slightly fruity smell it has. Camomile is known to help those suffering from insomnia, but it also helps with the digestive system and can sometimes help those who get a lot of headaches. Add honey or lemon to create a chamomile taste sensation.
Don’t eat a big meal before bed – Food creates energy, which is something you don’t need when you’re about to go to bed. It’s a good idea to have a lighter meal (try and make your lunch your main meal of the day) and set it for about 6pm. This way you will burn up most of the energy before you rest your weary head.
Have a bath. – Lying back as warm water surrounds you, with a good book to occupy your thoughts - a bath is one of the best ways to relax before bed. Create a relaxing bath soak from this recipes - 4 drops chamomile oil * 2 drops lavender oil * 4 drops neroli oil * 2 drops marjoram oil (all the oils can be found from health shops)
Do deep breathing or meditation – If you find yourself lying awake at night thinking, try and do some deep breathing exercises or meditation 30 minutes before you go to sleep. By normalising your breathing, more oxygen is distributed throughout the body, meaning the body becomes calm and more balanced. The following exercise should prep your body ready for bed. Inhale from your abdomen up into your chest, feeling your ribs open up (should take about 6 counts) hold for one count, then exhale all the way out relaxing your belly, while keeping your chest lifted. Repeat for 20 breaths.
Remember before you go to sleep to cleanse your face. Neutrogena Deep Clean will rinse away all the dirt and grim from the day meaning you can enjoy your deep sleep in clean skin.
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